My name is Rafael Moreta and I’ve been working with Adwords since 2010.
I started out just like you, a business owner looking to get more sales.
I came across Adwords when looking at the options available to me. On my first day I spent 500 dollars and didn’t get one sale.
That was tough.
That’s when I decided to get serious about Adwords. Learn the ins and outs of how to properly structure campaigns.
How to target properly. How to write ads that not only get clicks but actually convert. How to create landing pages and test them.
With time and after spending thousands of dollars on my own campaigns I’ve finally got the hang of it.
I’ve managed every type of Adwords campaign possible. Everything ranging from Display, Retargeting, Gmail Ads, Youtube Ads, App Installs & More.
Through the years I’ve managed campaigns of large multinational corporations, smaller local businesses, and ecommerce sites.
No matter what I do, I find myself gravitating to the local business. I feel like it’s the type of business that can benefit most from my services and the one I can relate to the most.
So there’s my story.
I’m not a guru nor do I know everything there is to know about Adwords.
I do however know enough to show you what works and what doesn’t.
If you’re ready to take a dive and find out if I can help your business, feel free to contact me.